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Anford Square Policy 


Class Date


Anford Square has classes only on Saturday. 

Class date cannot be changed to other day so we strictly require students to attend class on every Saturday.

Students are responsible to access Skype and be 'Online' for attending class on time. 

Internet connection stability may affect the call quality so students must  obtain stable internet connection for class.

Class Time


Student may change the class time if there's schedule vacancy at the time that he/she wants to study.

Schedule change is only allowed once in 4 weeks course. 

Student can request the change of class time through Q&A page in our official website at least 2 days before.

Class Cancellation


In 4 weeks course, student can cancel the class only 1 time and it must be requested in the website at least 2 days before the class day. When student cancel class, automatically the class term will be extended one more week. 



There may be some holidays that Anford Square does not have class. In such case, we make sure to inform all students ahead of time and the class term is automatically extended. 



Students may refer the following refund policy.

Until 1 week before the first class: 100% of the course fee may be refunded.

1 day before the first class: 70% of the course fee may be refunded.

After first class but before the second class: 50% of the course fee may be refunded.

After second class: None of the course fee may be refunded.

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